Tagged: Scott Pruitt

Women’s Voices Stymie Trump Agenda

Just as mothers understand the pain of others trying to save their children from violence and desperate situations; that children must be defended against the horrors of unregulated guns; they also get that deregulating environmental regulations spells disaster.

Massachusetts AG Maura Healey: Protecting the Environment

The work we do as state attorneys general isn’t about just one person. It’s about the dedicated women and men in offices across the country who enforce the law and protect people’s rights. Our commitment to protecting the climate and advancing clean energy is unchanged and stronger than ever.

Trump Puts Big Oil Over the American People

Trump’s presentation in the Oval Office was his version of political theater. He held up the signed documents housed in a portfolio, like a teacher showing illustrations to a first-grade classroom. He engaged in a monologue with the usual inflections, inflations, and disinformation.

We Need the EPA Now More Than Ever

The scope of the EPA touches almost every aspect of an American’s daily life. It goes beyond clean air and water to the physical impacts of asbestos, mercury, lead, and the recognition of billions of chemicals in our households, beauty products, and plastics.
So, what happens if Pruitt gets confirmed? The EPA becomes refashioned to reflect a Trumpian point of view.