Tagged: Barbara Boxer

We Need the EPA Now More Than Ever

The scope of the EPA touches almost every aspect of an American’s daily life. It goes beyond clean air and water to the physical impacts of asbestos, mercury, lead, and the recognition of billions of chemicals in our households, beauty products, and plastics.
So, what happens if Pruitt gets confirmed? The EPA becomes refashioned to reflect a Trumpian point of view.

2015 Climate Change Forecast

In the 2014 election, big campaign dollars from the fossil fuel sector reaped major benefits. Those who have been itching to cut the Environmental Protection Agency off at the knees now have a majority in both houses.

Partisan Politics Highlight Climate Action Review

Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE) seemed to have dropped in to a different hearing altogether when he expressed the hope that both sides of the aisle could “come together” to deal with “these serious environmental issues.”

The Clean Air Fight Continues In 2012

Despite testimony from a slew of health officials and organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Lung Association, pushback has continued based on the premise that regulations are an economy killer, or that the supply of electricity is at stake.