Tagged: Supreme Court

Texas Vs. Women’s Reproductive Rights

The Supreme Court has been asked to review a June 2015 ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, which upheld a law that would bolt the doors to 3/4 of the abortion clinics in Texas. This would leave the state’s women, in an area of 268,820 square miles, without ready access to abortion that was “safe and legal.”

Victims of Sexual Abuse Get Heard

Augmenting McCain’s commitment to overturn Roe v. Wade, Palin ratcheted up the discourse with her position of no abortion exceptions in the case of rape or incest. “She can’t keep the women’s vote if they actually know what she is suggesting,” was the popular wisdom. Yet, there were a lot of female voters who weren’t clear about her record. That’s when a core group of women, using new media and an approach that has defined the 2008 election, jumped in to present another point of view.

Women Leaders Hold Press Conference on the Presidential Election

Inevitably, during the Q & A, inquiries were posed about the latest polls and the Sarah Palin factor. Gandy replied that “polls will shift” when people find out more about Palin’s record. On an ironic note, Gandy opined, “I love it that the Republicans have discovered sexism. Before that…it was whining.”