Tagged: Veterans Day

Giving Back to Veterans

When you see the graphic that the suicide rate has increased 150 percent among veterans since 2001, you know that something is desperately wrong with how the country is handling the needs of veterans.

Military Sexual Trauma – Seeking Justice

October 12th-16th was Military Rape Awareness Week, and several organizations were on board for the implementation of activities. Data was put out to the media including: 1 in 3 women in the military have been raped or assaulted; 37 percent of victims are raped multiple times; 14 percent are gang raped.

Obama, McCain, and Our Veterans

Lorin Walker, Alternate Delegate from Washington state who is on the Veterans policy team for Obama, had stronger words to characterize McCain’s voting record on the needs of those in the country’s armed forces. “His service to those who serve has been deplorable. His voting record stands at 20% pro-veteran.”