Tagged: Michelle Obama

Families Use Social Media to Respond to Gardasil Side Effects

As parents sought to navigate a situation where their healthy daughters had become sick and, in the worse case scenario – died, they turned to the Internet for answers. Scouring the web for information, checking message boards and chat rooms, they found out that their predicament was not isolated.

Lifetime Poll Pinpoints Negative Media Coverage of Clinton & Palin

Regardless of party affiliation, women saw the coverage of both Clinton and Palin as “too negative” and without adequate substance…In what could be characterized as two extremes, Clinton was labeled as “anti-male and a she-devil,” while Palin was assigned the role of “a ditz and an airhead.”

Sarah Palin…Not My Role Model

On a visceral level, as a single Mother, I resent the Republican appropriation of the “family values” brand. I feel more connected with a man, Joe Biden, who questioned whether he should take his seat in the U.S. Senate after his wife and daughter were killed in a car crash.

Obama, McCain, and Our Veterans

Lorin Walker, Alternate Delegate from Washington state who is on the Veterans policy team for Obama, had stronger words to characterize McCain’s voting record on the needs of those in the country’s armed forces. “His service to those who serve has been deplorable. His voting record stands at 20% pro-veteran.”

Feminists Are the Majority

Eleanor Smeal, President of the Feminist Majority, told listeners, “Feminists are everywhere.” She qualified the Democratic platform as “the strongest platform for women’s rights every adopted by a major party in the United States.”