Ivanka Trump In Hot Water For Her Hypocrisy
At the RNC convention, Ms. Trump came across as deeply concerned about the issues facing working women.
At the RNC convention, Ms. Trump came across as deeply concerned about the issues facing working women.
The threat to reproductive rights goes far beyond the Roe v. Wade ruling. It is a constant war of attrition for those in the anti-choice movement, who are continually working to devise new approaches that will impact the playing field.
“We Believe You” should be read by parents, high-school seniors, college personnel, and law-enforcement (both police and prosecutors). It needs to be placed in college and university bookstores, including those schools featured as being on the wrong side of this public epidemic.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has said, “I would like in my lifetime to see women get fired up about the Equal Rights Amendment.”
Under our national law, anyone under the age of 18 who is sold for sex is a trafficking victim. Consent is irrelevant. But in many states, prostituted children are still arrested and treated as criminals.
“Whoever controls the media controls the culture — and, by proxy, our legislation, our economy, our lives.
The Supreme Court has been asked to review a June 2015 ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, which upheld a law that would bolt the doors to 3/4 of the abortion clinics in Texas. This would leave the state’s women, in an area of 268,820 square miles, without ready access to abortion that was “safe and legal.”
Female vets must be recognized as contributing members of society, with valuable abilities and talents to bring into their communities.
BUY UP Index is a mobile app which drills down on a “company’s demonstrated commitment to gender equality.”
WECAN co-founder and Executive Director Osprey Orielle Lake noted, “How we treat the earth is how we treat women. It’s a violent paradigm.”