How the Most Comprehensive Report on Climate Change Impacts Your Family
Human activity is a dominant cause of global warming.
Human activity is a dominant cause of global warming.
“I have three grandchildren. I don’t want to have to tell them that when we had the chance to tackle climate change for future generations, we ignored it.”
A majority (9 of 16) of the Texas Superfund sites flooded by Hurricane Harvey are in low-income neighborhoods or communities of color. In order to be just, Harvey recovery plans will need to address these legacy environmental disparities.
“The Trump administration can deny the reality of the climate crisis, but it can’t make it go away by simply telling government employees not to mention it anymore. This kind of anti-science meddling leads us straight back to the dark ages.”
WE ACT is proud to bring an empowered, informed and mobilized constituency to the table. Once that structure is in place, a lot can be accomplished. Act locally, think globally.”
Pope and Bloomberg agree that the impetus for change is not going to come from Washington. They see cities as the drivers of change and the “key” to tackling the problems of climate change.
East Los Angeles is a frontline zone that is oversaturated with industrial sites, heavily trafficked freeways, and emissions emanating from port related cargo transports. School, homes, playgrounds and parks are in immediate proximity to these sources of air pollution.
The New York Times made it a front-page story: “EPA Chief Doubts Consensus View of Climate Change.” Trump’s appointed head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, stated (again) that carbon dioxide was not...
Low-income communities and African American and Hispanic populations are struggling to cope with the disproportionate impacts of toxic sitings in their neighborhoods. Yet, they are being pitched a Madison Avenue type story about how fossil fuels makes life great.
Trump’s presentation in the Oval Office was his version of political theater. He held up the signed documents housed in a portfolio, like a teacher showing illustrations to a first-grade classroom. He engaged in a monologue with the usual inflections, inflations, and disinformation.