January 6, 2021: We Are Part of the Other

Two years ago, when traveling was a regular occurrence, I took the train from New York to Washington, D.C., to attend a Jewish conference. I looked forward to several days of panels on Israel, American politics, social justice, and numerous other topics.

Upon exiting Union Station, I got in line to wait my turn for a cab. As I looked up, I saw the Capitol dome, its stunning white architecture framed by a clear blue sky.

It took my breath away.

It certainly wasn’t the first time I had seen it, either from a distance or close up. Yet, like a tourist in Manhattan staring at the lights in Times Square on a busy evening, I was enthralled. I was also moved and awed by its majesty.

That moment came back to me clearly as I watched the horrific events of January 6.

Read the rest of this story at The Times of Israel.

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