Tagged: The Washington Post

An Interview with the Developer of Gardasil – Merck & Co., Inc.

I talked with Media Relations spokesperson, Pam Eisele, about the vaccine. I submitted a series of questions for the company to answer via e-mail, referencing red flags that had come up in my research. All my queries were responded to, and Eisele offered to put me in touch with a clinical researcher if I required further explanations.

Women Get Respect – Part 1

Red Buttons had a well-tread act that he used at celebrity roasts. The punch line was about all the famous people in history that “never got a dinner.” It was kind of like Rodney Dangerfield complaining that he didn’t get any respect. On the evening of May 21st, women in New York City had the opportunity to come out and support two events that proved achievers of the female gender were getting their due.