Tagged: Hillary Clinton

Obama and Clinton: Does the Mainsteam Media Have It Wrong?

“The notion that Hillary and Obama fundraisers are not working together is completely wrong. It’s just way off. I was at the fundraiser last night, where they had dozens and dozens of Hillary fundraisers and supporters who raised or wrote a combination of $50,000 or more for a photo op with Barack. So her fundraisers are on board. She’s on board.”

Women’s Equality…Why Not Now?

The July 4th weekend is over, and I am still reflecting on where women are in the political and cultural landscape of America. Abigail Adams didn’t get to sign the Declaration of Independence, Betsy Ross sewed the flag, and how many people even know who Deborah Samson Gannett was?

Hillary the Healer

Clinton acknowledged that both she and Obama had achieved milestones, and invoked the historical precedents of the suffragettes, the abolitionists, and civil rights workers.

Hillary in Limbo

Did Clinton put the spotlight on herself and miss an opportunity to advance the cause of party unity? Another talking head suggested, “This isn’t the speech of a second fiddle. She’s still talking about why she is the stronger candidate.”

Obama Reaches Out to Women

I don’t understand why black women can’t support Clinton without being accused of “abandoning their race.” Likewise, why are feminists being pushed out of the sisterhood tent for stating that Obama is the candidate who resonates for them?