Tagged: CDC

Antibiotics in Your Food: What You Need To Know

In a 2010 Congressional hearing, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Department of Agriculture (USDA)—along with the CDC—testified that a definitive link existed between antibiotic resistance in people and the “routine non-therapeutic use of antibiotic in industrial farming.”

An Interview with Dr. Diane M. Harper

“The most important point that I have always said from day one, is that the use of this vaccine must be done with informed consent and complete disclosure of the benefits and harms of Pap screening and HPV vaccines. The decision to be vaccinated must be the woman’s (or parent’s if it is for a young child), and not the physician’s or any board of health, as the vaccination contains personal risk that only the person can value.

An Interview with the Developer of Gardasil – Merck & Co., Inc.

I talked with Media Relations spokesperson, Pam Eisele, about the vaccine. I submitted a series of questions for the company to answer via e-mail, referencing red flags that had come up in my research. All my queries were responded to, and Eisele offered to put me in touch with a clinical researcher if I required further explanations.