Tagged: Andrew Rasiej

The New Media Epiphany

Two years ago, I had a personal epiphany at the Personal Democracy Forum in New York City. I joke about how I was so deep in revelatory thought that I fell down a few stairs. Yet it was the moment when it all clicked for me. The way that new media could change everything.

The New Media Message for Women

With the understanding that women do not getting their narratives adequately told – if told at all – the need for a fresh playing field is palpable. In the new media, women have an opportunity to create their own communities and their own brands.

Women Tapping Technology

Blogging about Iranian culture and political affairs is how Mina Zand Siegel brings visibility to gender equality. She said, “Women’s issues are very important. I’m adamant about it.” In her posts on “IranWrites” she probes topics ranging from the hejab to her reaction Benazir Bhutto’s assassination.